24Connect ep. 03 - Steven Van Belleghem on Digital Convenience

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On this episode, we talk to international keynote speaker & king of customer centricity Steven Van Belleghem about his latest book ‘The offer you can’t refuse’.

Tune in to learn from Steven:
+ how to make your customers an offer they can't refuse by becoming a 'Partner in life'
+ why most companies still have a lot to learn about Digital Convenience
+ how to stay human as an organization by using smart technology
+ how to leverage 2020's rise in Digital Adoption, e.g. with video calling

Listen to the full podcast on:
- Zencast: https://24connect.zencast.website/episodes/steven-van-belleghem-the-ultimate-digital-convenience-for-consumers
- Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/nl/podcast/steven-van-belleghem-ultimate-digital-convenience-for/id1522854879?i=1000502069098&l=en
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6jXEoTHYlaHs0t62Vi3bor?si=-trAwctqThSIZL2PWhW-lg

Summary of podcast: https://www.24sessions.com/blog/steven-van-belleghem-digital-convenience
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