We Say Goodbye to our Long Term 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander after 13,000-Miles

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Welcoming cars into our long-term fleet is always easy; saying goodbye is difficult. Not just because we’ll miss them, but because it’s hard to sum up an extended test in just a few moments time. But, that’s where we are with this 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander. After 7-months, it’s leaving us for good.

After spending the better half of a year with this Outlander, it's time to bid farewell and we'll remember it fondly. We weren't surprised that it was an improvement over the previous generation, but we were surprised at how much of an improvement it was. Highlighted by the more polished road manners and the now tech-laden interior, this Outlander went from an also-ran to a serious competitor in the compact SUV segment.

With good comfort in all seating positions and plenty of cargo space, it also proved to be highly road trip worthy, evidenced by the 12,987-miles we managed to rack up. And while the 181-horsepower 2.5-liter and CVT combo was not the most inspiring, we appreciated the 28.3 miles-per-gallon it delivered.

So yes, it’s sad to say good-bye to the Outlander, but we’re just getting started with our Kia Carnival minivan, which we’ll feature on the next MotorWeek Long Term Road Test Update!

See more of updates with our 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander here: https://www.motorweek.org/reviews/long_term/2022-mitsubishi-outlander
Watch our full Road Test with the 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander: https://www.motorweek.org/reviews/road_tests/2022-mitsubishi-outlander
Check out more of our Long Term fleet here: https://www.motorweek.org/reviews/long_term/

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